Rev. Lily Marx, Rector
Phone: 231-670-5911
Jim Catherwood
Phone: 231-557-0942
Vestry-Junior Warden
Jim Horan
Phone: 231-755-5275
Jocelyn Shaw
Phone: 231-740-8110
Technology, Passion Narrative, Altar Guild
Marti Johnson
Phone: 231-740-4558
Vestry-Treasurer, Passion Narrative
David Holtrop
Phone: 231-578-1828
Vestry-Building and Grounds
Church Office
Phone: 231-780-2955
Church Office, Passion Narrative
Muskegon, Michigan, US
Kevin Meyer
Organist/Choir Director
Heidi Jackson
Phone: 231-288-0053
Vestry, Sunday School
Rev. Deacon Linda Scheerer
Phone: 231-557-2103
Deacon, Mission and Outreach
Newsletter sign up
Click on Contact form to sign up, put "newsletter sign up" in subject line, please
Muskegon, MI
Michele May
Phone: 231-955-8667
Vestry-Stewardship and annual audit
Renee Babcock
Phone: 989-330-2063
Prayer Chain coordinator
Kathy Conlon
Phone: 989-330-0314
Vestry-Senior Warden
Joyce Elferdink
Phone: 616-510-3171
John Martin
Phone: 231-563-6755
Rev. Deacon Abraham Anei
Phone: 616-862-3087