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Welcome to St. Gregory's
where Christ challenges us each and every day to love him and love each other


Rector:  Rev. Lily Marx

Choir Director/Organist:  Kevin Meyer

Parish Administrator (Volunteer): Marti Johnson

Accountant (Volunteeer): Brent Purim

Contact us


Rev. Lily Marx
Evangelism, Worship, Music

Kathy Conlon
Senior Warden

Jim Catherwood
Junior Warden

Jim Horan
Vestry Clerk

Marti Johnson
Treasurer, Office, Clerical

Joyce Elferdink

David Holtrop

Heidi Jackson

John Martin

Michelle May

Rev. Deacon Linda Scheerer

Rev. Deacon Abraham Anei, intern

Contact Us


Jocelyn Shaw

Renee Babcock
(Congregation alternate)

Joyce Elferdink

Heidi Jackson
(Vestry alternate)

Contact Us


Rev. Lily Marx
Parish Priest/Pastoral Care

Kevin Meyer
Organist/Choir Director

Rev. Deacon Linda Scheerer
Pastoral Care

Renee Babcok
Prayer Chain

Rev. Deacon Linda Schereer
Mission and Outreach

Heidi Jackson
Youth and Christian Education

Jocelyn Shaw
Altar Guild
Website/Technology/Passion Narrative

Contact Us